Sabtu, 15 November 2014

Princess and the Pea (Short Story and Picture Series)

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess.
Now, this particular prince was quite finicky. He wasn't willing to marry just any princess. He wanted to find a princess who was beautiful, kind, witty, charming, and, most important of all, sensitive.

“Sensitive,” wailed the king. “How will you possibly know if your princess is sensitive until many years have passed? You don't have time for this, Son.”
So, the prince started his frustrating search. He traveled to every part of the world by boat, on horseback, and on camel, crisscrossing the desert, climbing mountains, and crossing valleys, searching for the princess of his dreams. He looked in every country, great and small, but nowhere could he find what he wanted.
Sure, there were plenty of princesses available to a prince of his stature, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real, royal ones, with all of the qualifications this particular prince sought. And so it went. There was always something about the princesses he interviewed that was not as it should be. So he returned from his exhaustive search, sad and discouraged, wondering how he would ever find a real princess.
His parents were just about ready to give up and pass the kingdom on to his younger brother. One evening, as the gloomy prince was pondering his dilemma, a terrible storm blew in. There was deafening thunder and brilliant lightning, along with torrential rains and hail the size of goose eggs.
The rain continued to pour down in torrents. Then in the midst of this gale, a loud knock was heard at the castle gate. When the old king opened the gate, he found a bedraggled but beautiful maiden standing there.
“Hello, sire,” began the maiden, who was drenched beyond belief. “I am a princess from a neighboring kingdom. I am afraid that I've been caught out in this storm and my horse has run off. I'm not able to return home until the storm ends. Could I please pass some time here?”
The king was a bit skeptical about this maiden's royal claims. How could she be a princess? She looked completely miserable. The water ran down from her hair and not-so-royal clothes into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels.
“How can I be so sure that you're a princess and not an impostor, wanting to steal something from my palace?” asked the king.
“You'll simply have to look in your heart and decide for yourself if I am a real princess or not,” answered the maiden with a soggy smile.
Well, the king wasn't any too certain that this maiden was a princess, but nevertheless he found her charming — and he wasn't, after all, an ogre. The poor girl was soaking wet, so he invited her in to dry off and warm up by one of the huge fireplaces.
Once inside, the king introduced the maiden to the queen and the prince. The prince, being a bit of a skeptic himself, took one look at the maiden and decided she most certainly could not be a princess. After all, she was drenched and bedraggled. No princess he'd ever interviewed during his travels had appeared like this.

The queen was doubtful, too. "We'll soon see if she is a real princess," she said to herself. She told the prince about her plan to test the girl to see if she was telling the truth, showing him a tiny green pea that she was going to use for her test. The prince agreed it was a very good idea.

The queen went to prepare the spare bed for their young visitor. First she took off all the bedding and then she laid a pea at the very bottom. On top of the pea she put twenty mattresses and on top of the mattresses she put twenty feather beds.
The next morning the princess was asked how she had slept.

“Oh, very badly!” she groaned. “I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. I tried everything I could think of to fall asleep but I had no luck. Heaven only knows what was in that bed, but I was lying on something incredibly hard and bothersome. Now, I am black and blue all over my body. Oh! It was completely horrible!”

With these words from the princess — for now they knew she was not just a maiden but a true princess — a great cheer went up from the prince, the king, and the queen . “Hip, hip, hooray!” shouted the king. “You are the sensitive princess our son has been looking for these many, many years. Now, you and the prince can marry, and the queen and I can retire to sunnier climates!”
They knew without a doubt that she was a real princess because she had felt the tiny, soft pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eiderdown comforters. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that, they all agreed.
So the prince and the princess were married in an incredibly grand celebration. The palace kitchen prepared a huge wedding feast, consisting of many dishes prepared with peas: split-pea soup, creamed peas, stir-fried snow peas, and even sweet pea ice cream.

Source :

Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Short Stories and Picture Series)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She lived at the edge of the forest with her family. One morning, while she was picking flowers, Goldilocks wandered into the forest and lost her way. She was very frightened, but then she saw a friendly little cottage in the distance.

The friendly little cottage belonged to three bears. One was a great big Papa Bear, one was a middle-sized Mama Bear, and one was a tiny little Baby Bear. That morning, the three bears decided to take a walk while their porridge – which tastes like oatmeal – was cooling. It was too hot to eat! Right as they left through the back door, Goldilocks came in through the front door very quietly.
The first thing she saw and smelled was the sweet, steamy porridge. “I sure am hungry,” Goldilocks said. “I’ll just have one bite.”First, she tried a spoonful from Papa Bear’s great big bowl. “OW!” she yelled, “TOO HOT!” Next, she tried a spoonful from Mama Bear’s medium-sized bowl. “Brrrrr! TOO COLD!” she complained. Finally, Goldilocks tried a spoonful from Baby Bear’s tiny little bowl. “YUMMY!” she cried. “THIS IS JUST RIGHT!” Goldilocks ate the entire bowlful.

After running around the forest all day, Goldilocks’ feet were sore. “I need to sit down for a little while to rest my sore feet!” she thought. First, she sat in Papa Bear’s great big armchair. “TOO HARD!” she screamed. Goldilocks stomped to the next chair.Next she sat in Mama Bear’s medium-sized chair. It was so soft that she sunk in! “TOO SOFT!” she complained, as she pulled herself out of the cushions. Finally, she sat in Baby Bear’s tiny little rocking chair. “JUST RIGHT!” She laughed, but the chair soon broke.

With nowhere to sit, Goldilocks climbed up the stairs to find somewhere to sleep. She was still very tired. First, she tried Papa Bear’s great big bed. “TOO HIGH!” she yelled. Then, she tried Mama Bear’s medium-sized bed. “TOO LOW!” she screamed.
Finally, she tried Baby Bear’s tiny little bed. “JUST RIGHT!” she sighed. Then Goldilocks fell asleep and dreamed dreams of flowers and warm cookies.

Just then, the three bears returned home from their walk. They saw spoons in their porridge, and were very surprised. “Who’s been eating my porridge?” asked Papa Bear. “Who’s been eating my porridge?” asked Mama Bear. “Who’s been eating my porridge and eaten it all up?” cried Baby Bear. Then, the three bears saw that their chairs had been used. “Who’s been sitting in my chair?” Papa Bear howled.“Who’s been sitting in my chair?” wondered Mama Bear. “Who’s been sitting in my chair and BROKEN it?” squeaked Baby Bear.
The three Bears ran upstairs to check their bedrooms. “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” Papa Bear roared. “Who’s been sleeping in my bed?” growled Mama Bear. She was a little angry and a little worried.“Who’s been sleeping in my bed and is STILL HERE?” Baby Bear screamed. He said it so loudly that he woke Goldilocks up.

She was so frightened that she jumped out of bed, then jumped out the window, and raced through the forest until she heard her mother’s voice. Goldilocks was so happy to see her mother that she promised to never wander through the forest alone again.
The next day, though, she realised she did something wrong by trespassing the bears’ house and using their stuff without permission, so she felt sorry and went back to apologize to them. She knocked at the door politely this time, and Mama Bear appeared before her right away: “Hello", Goldilocks said frightened, "I am very sorry about yesterday, what I did was wrong. I ran away because I was scared.”
“It’s, ok, dear, don’t worry, come inside to meet the rest of the family.” Mama Bear told the other two bears about Goldilock’s apology and they were glad to have her company. They became very good friends from then on and Goldilocks kept visiting them as often as she could.

Source :

Minggu, 09 November 2014

Animasi Keren untuk Blog

Untuk mempercantik tampilan halaman blogmu , kamu bisa menambahkan animasi-animasi keren yang tentunya akan membuat blogmu lebih menarik.

Berikut animasi-animasi yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk mempercantik tampilan blogmu :)

Vitamin 75 Maximizing Cream By Wishtrend

Hello girls... Yeayyy.... this is my first review article! Kali ini aku mau review produk brand dari Korea yaitu ByWishtrend. ByWisht...